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[書畫知識] 中華人民共和國陶藝名家檔案

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Purple pottery collector: Mr. WuHaiLong




Folk are recommended collectors - yixing wu


yixing pp, childhood with his father Wu Yuqing, learn sculpture,calligraphy and painting, childhood has close contact with violet arenaceous,learned about the Gu Jingzhou, Xu Xiutang, Xu Hantang, Lv Yaochen, WangYinxian, Tan Quanhai master works, though not to become a violet arenaceoustechnicians, has become a connoisseur collection zisha. Has collected nearly500 pieces of products recommended, investment of nearly one hundred millionyuan.


On August 18, 2012, "hide ZiGe"is in changshu city garden opened on antique city, hundreds of pieces of purplesand collection. About purple master Gu Jingzhou, Lv Yaochen, zhu ke xing, XuHantang, Zhou Guizhen, Gu Shaopei, Gao Jianfang handed down the works, thereare collections, national art master recommended, insiders say is worth atleast $ten thousand yuan or more, to cause the attention of collectors andappreciation.


Recommended has been collecting market "darling", famouspeople's works is a pot of is hard to find. "Hide ZiGe general manager wuhailong said:" from the perspective of market in recent years, arerecommended, especially the price of the products are recommended in hops, so tospeak. In just three years time, master some boutique pot has completed fromtens of thousands of yuan, to the hundreds of thousands of millions yuan aleap, a modern famous artists of the record are recommended in the auctionmarket is repeatedly, clinch a deal the price even more than ten million yuan.In the rapidly rising market, a modern famous artists of the recommended rateof increase is especially remarkable. But even so, made famous artists arerecommended in the market still is in a state of price no city, many collectorssuffer from a pot of ?


Once a good pot to be dumped by the buyer, it's hard to flow backto the market. Masterpiece, within ten years it will be very hard to ask aeight years, and young and middle-aged high work also want to row a three tofive years of team is possible to a whole pot of by hand. "Made formasters are recommended, not only beautiful, also have a certain appreciationpotential, can play to collect them to invest."


Inline words without a heart, the world's luxury goods, in order toget that order, this time, waiting for the longest period of yixing, isrecommended. Mall manager YouXiMing told reporters. Existence of difference ismainly due to pot technology level, the author's title is differ, the violetarenaceous mud is expected to cost the basic can be neglected.


 Recommendedvalue of high and low and also made the same master recommended number isrelated to some master production can do that are recommended for a year 2-3,simply can't see on the market, like Xu Hantang pot, have some 5, six millionyuan, but starting in 2006, seldom see him to do it in the market of new pot.


Tibetan friend, wu hailong suggest master things although good,but, after all, is limited, and often hundreds of thousands or even millions ofprices, nor the general investors can afford to. If the money is limited, canfocus on some of the young and middle-aged artists. Middle-aged and youngartists are recommended works, the price is generally around 50000 yuan, is abit poor, as long as twenty thousand yuan, products could reach hundreds ofthousands or millions of dollars. Those within the circle of word of mouth goodmiddle-aged and young artists to the author, although there is no title, but aboutique, in the future appreciation potential is big. And collect purpleviolet arenaceous should first research to identify, from the shape of thefirst.Violet arenaceous identificationis a big difficulty in today's purchases are recommended, violet arenaceousappraisal need to master a lot of violet arenaceous learning, such as sludge,seals, etc. But he argues that new learning can begin with violet arenaceousshape of violet arenaceous identification. Different are recommended because ofits times background, aesthetic idea and create the shape also has the very bigdifference. Novice learning development master purple violet arenaceousidentification can be recommended to the shape of the historic changes, at thesame time of getting to know can also judge recommended collection appreciationspace.





Violet arenaceous differentiate from recommended the shape of the benefitsof:

1, recommended the shape is one of the recommended the imaging features,for beginners is easy to remember.

2, have recommended the shape, is also a master violet arenaceousdevelopment process, help new development trend of purple sand has a firstimpression.

3, different shape of representatives and can quickly identify recommendedby which has the potential to fame. To facilitate collection investment arerecommended.


Violet arenaceous appraisal from the shape ofbenefits a lot, but how to master so many shape of violet arenaceous knowledge?In general, recommended the characteristics of the various periods is givenpriority to with the famous representative works of this period. Big famouspot, several has its specialty, ceramics are typical. Novice can completelyaccording to the representative to remember, this is a recommended collectorswith arts and crafts masters level of essential connotation, and grasp theessentials of art market investment, both; Look for the excavation of theappreciation of the space location and potential. The collection of tricks;Violet arenaceous collection by assaying the better more.

A lot of people buy expensive recommended iton the shelf, wu emphasizes: pot must be used, with better more, violetarenaceous mud material is need water to moisten, otherwise can't reflect itscharacteristics. Just to take out from the kiln pot and has ten years of potyou don't believe that is the same kind of material, is through the tea pothead have come out. Pot is playing this process.


———— Mr WuHaiLong's collection

























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